In his New History of Gloucestershire of 1779, Samuel Rudder wrote about an annual gathering on Yarleton Hill in Gloucestershire to mark the first day of May. Rosy-cheeked children dancing round a pole? No. A massive fight.
As Steve Roud puts it in The English Year:
Something similar happened at Wrekin Wakes in Shropshire, apparently, where
local colliers and countrymen fought for possession of the ground after the pleasure-seekers had enjoyed the sideshows and gingerbread stalls
Well, we’ve all been to a school fete like that.
The English Year is a fascinating round-up of feast days and frankly weird traditions. An annual Massive Scrap seems to be pretty much universal.
In 1880, English nature writer Richard Jefferies wrote, in Round About a Great Estate, that:
Of Wiltshire, he writes:
…and finishes that section with the words
the Okebourne and Clipstone men thwacked and banged each other’s broad chests in true antique style.
Yes, it really is a mystery why the phrase ‘why are men?’ became popular, is it not?
Odd this day, part deux
In other exciting news today, it’s the 45th anniversary of this surely unimprovable diary entry from Peter Hall in which a young Dinsdale Landen tries to impress an ageing Donald Wolfit, and doesn’t altogether succeed:
Dinsdale Landen told today a wonderful story of his days as assistant stage manager at Worthing. He was a walk-on when Wolfit was there as guest star, playing Othello, but was not told what to do until the dress rehearsal, at which the great man said it would be a very good idea for Othello to have a page who followed him everywhere. He handed Dinsdale a loin cloth, told him to black-up, and said he’d got the part. Dinsdale did not know the play and just went wherever Wolfit went, the complete dutiful page, always in attendance. But at one point he found himself in a scene in which he felt rather ill at ease; he had an instinct about it. Suddenly he heard the great man’s voice roaring, ‘Not in Desdemona’s bedroom, you cunt.’
(Excerpt from the Faber Book of Diaries, 1 May 1978)