Ah, the 46th anniversary of The Curious Incident of Roy Jenkins and the Possibly Dead Man in the Restaurant…
…and, because the alt text won’t fit, here it all is:
3 February
1977 [Brussels]
Dinner at a very good fish restaurant enlivened, if that is the word, on the way out by sensing a slight feeling of embarrassment amongst the staff, which was indeed well founded, as we saw on the ground floor — we had been eating on the first floor — the upturned soles of a Japanese who seemed at least unconscious and possibly dead. When we got outside an ambulance drew up and a stretcher was rushed in. We asked Ron Argen, our inimitable driver, whether he knew what was happening. He said: “Oh, yes, certainly, oyster poisoning. Quite often happens, but the restaurant is insured against it, so there is no need to worry.
Roy Jenkins